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Galilean Lutheran Church
All Are Welcome, Come As You Are

Welcome Greeting

Communion is offered every Sunday

The beach at sunset

Welcome Greeting
Lutheran Disaster Response
As a member of the ELCA, we participate in the Lutheran Disaster Response working with leaders around the world when disasters occur. See theECLA website to donate to Disaster Relief.
Other Ministries
Daily Devotionals
Daily Devotionals can be found on the Galilean Lutheran Facebook Page
Find an Affirming Church
JOIN US In Person Sundays at 10 am
In-person Worship:
Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, you are asked not to attend if you have a fever over 100.4 degrees, frequent cough, difficulty breathing, or other symptoms or if you, or someone you live with, has been diagnosed or exposed to Covid-19. Masks are optional. Your mask should fully cover the nose and mouth. Disposable masks will be available for those who do not have one.
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