Galilean Lutheran Church
All Are Welcome, Come As You Are
ALL ARE WELCOME at Galilean.
We believe you'll find Galilean to be a warm, caring congregation of God's people committed to Biblical, Christ-centered ministry within the Lutheran tradition. We hope you'll join with us as we seek to grow in the love and grace of Jesus.
Our worship services are easy to follow and they last about an hour.
We celebrate Holy Communion each Sunday, and we welcome all who believe that Jesus Christ is present in this Sacrament and that forgiveness of sins is given through this gift of grace. The ushers will direct you, and your children are welcome to accompany you to receive a blessing.
Guests are never singled out or embarrassed. The pastor will likely ask if there's anyone attending for the first time, because we want you to feel welcome. Introduce yourself if willing, it’s especially fun when we have visitors from other places. Casual attire, even sweatpants or shorts you wear to the beach is fine.
Everyone who comes to worship with us are welcome to participate in the full life of this church. Members are encouraged to support our church financially. Currently, we are not passing an offering plate due to Covid, instead there is a drop box in the Narthex where offerings may be placed.
How to Give Your Offering OnLine
Offerings can be made during the service, by mail, or online. To give online simply click here.
This will bring you to Galilean Lutheran's giving page.
To give online, first create a profile for yourself. It's easy. Just follow the directions. They will ask for your email address, how you'd like to give (credit card, bank account, etc.). It is totally secure.
After creating your profile, you are ready to make your offering.
Log in. Click on "Add a transaction."
That will take you to an "Online Donation" page. Click on "Add Transaction." (Your transaction history will also be listed here.)
You will be taken to the "Donation Information" page. Here you add the amount of the gift and indicate the frequency of the donation. (One-time, weekly, bi-monthly, monthly, semi-monthly.) Hit "Continue."
Choose which account you want them to draw from. You will also be given the option of checking a box that says "Optional: - Give additional 2.75% to help offset the processing fee." Check that if you'd like to help cover the cost of the processing fee. Click the box next to "I am not a robot." Then click "Process."
And that's it. The donation is processed, and you will receive email confirmation.
Of course, offerings can also be mailed to:
Galilean Lutheran Church
PO Box 1419
Ocean Shores, WA 98569
Thank you all for your financial support of our ministry together.
Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.
Galilean Lutheran Church of Ocean Shores, Washington is a Christian congregation affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. www.elca.org
Regionally we are part of the Southwest Washington Synod. www.lutheranssw.org